Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Step 2 of Becoming a Grown-Up

First, the office chair! Now, we've sealed the deal and bought a house! I am very excited and we are planning to move next month although I haven't even begun to think about packing yet.

This week Husband, myself, and our side-kicks (the dogs) are all taking a road trip to my grandfather's house for Thanksgiving. We missed last year with them and are really excited to not miss a second time around.

There is one more week of school and then after a few finals, a few group projects, and a few papers I will turn my energy towards home renovation & creative projects. Our ideas are much larger than our budget at this point, but I have no doubt the house will be adorable by mid-2009. I will surely be posting before and after pictures of that process.

Oh yes, I AM working on a biggish knitting project and its for a friend who knows I'm working on it, but I hate to spoil the surprise with pictures. Soon enough, I'll try and post a sneak peak!


Anonymous said...

Post it on Ravelry so us knitters can see it! :D

Congrats on the house! you guys picked a perfect time to buy! (which is step 3 of being an adult: realizing a down market & taking advantage of it).

Hope to see you sometime at knitting.

We are having it friday this week instead of thursday so hopefully? you can make it.

Beatriz said...

Congratulations, April! Yay, new home. Best wishes and hope to see you at knitting soon.

Anonymous said...

Don't post it... I love surprises!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new home, April.

That is such exciting news.