Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Projects for Gifting!

Gave the Wild Stripes baby blanket to my friend at her shower this past weekend - she really liked it! We are in the midst of packing up our apartment to move to a new place a few miles away - can't wait to start unpacking and to be able to find things again! (My yarn has been stashed away in that little plastic bin, still accessible just in case!)
Speaking of finding things, I have finished the pink toe-up socks, but they are in a suitcase so I can't quite post pictures right now! After BO for those, I started a Pinwheel jacket for my niece for her Christmas present. Its going really quickly which is good because I have a lot of projects lined up after this one; I plan to be finished with it by the end of the week.

That's about all in my little world. May be a while before I post again depending on setting up our internet again at the new place. Have a lovely December!


Beatriz said...

Good luck with your move!

Becky said...

Yes, good luck with your move and we miss you at the shop